Principal Message

Collaborative | Professional | Innovative | Proactive
President’s Message
Principal Message
Founder Trustees
Board Of Trustees
Governing Council

Vidya Srikanth, B. Arch, M.T.P, (Ph.D)

Principal, SMVSA

There is no time like today to enroll in a program like architecture at Sir MV School of Architecture, Bengaluru. The program is uniquely crafted to suit students with both right brain and left brain capabilities, as the discipline is truly a synthesis of the Arts, Technology, Science and Design. The school has been in existence since 2017 and is affiliated to the Visvesvarya Technical University (V.T.U), consortium of institutions, Belagavi. The 130 acre campus set in North Bengaluru, close to the International airport has about 5000 students pursuing their education in Architecture, Dental medicine, Engineering and Management studies.

A new learning experience awaits students as they step into that special place they call a home for the next 5 years of their lives, The Studio. The design studio forms the basis for the curriculum, with visual arts, history, structures, building services, interior design, project management and a wide gamut of interesting courses that plug back into the studio as concurrent learning through the 5 year journey. The B.Arch. program at Sir MVSA is the only one in the state of Karnataka and city of Bengaluru to be curated by the Centre for excellence in architecture education at C.E.P.T University, Ahmedabad. The mentorship program at SMVSA, which commenced from the academic year 2023-24 is modelled on a similar pedagogical model followed by students at C.E.P.T University. Faculty members at SMVSA are mentored by the tutors at C.E.P.T to deliver module based learning synchronized with holistic learning that takes them step by step through the years of study. The students entering into the B.Arch. program at SMVSA in 2024-25 will have an experience unparalled by any other institute in the State of Karnataka.

Architecture program has a built in industry component in the form of a semester long internship that increases prospects of placements when completing the period of study. In addition, several practicing professionals offer their services as visiting faculty for studio and specialized courses, enhancing the classroom learning. This is supported by skill based learning in terms of workshops for hands on learning, software and soft skills that help mould the students into perfect future entrepreneurs.

SMVSA has well equipped studios, software labs, material testing and survey Labs, model making workshops, smart classrooms and a well fitted Library that encourages a 360 degree learning. Not all learning happens in the studios or in campus, and we often say that the ‘World is our classroom’. Study tours, site visits and travel is embedded in the curriculum and our team of faculty members with diverse specializations are here to guide the students every step of the way. All we ask, is that a student comes with curiosity, a thirst for knowledge and ready to walk with us every step of the way.

Come, meet with the team on campus and allow us to give you a glimpse into the world of architecture.